Environmental and Energy Policy

CCS is committed to reducing its environmental impact, both at a company level through our central decision-making and operational processes, and at the individual level through the encouragement of positive behaviour among our staff, subcontractors, affiliates and clients.

For regulatory as well as corporate social responsibility reasons, we shall commit to environmental protection and prevention of pollution. Our major environmental aspects are the energy consumption related to our office operations and the use of vehicles and the generation of waste.

Our Environmental and Energy Management System (IMS) is consistent with ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 50001:2018 and its purpose is to improve our environmental performance, including the energy.

To ensure this, we are committed to:

  • Monitoring and continually improving our environmental performance;
  • Minimising our carbon emissions where practicable;
  • Considering a life cycle approach when evaluating our procurement options and consider energy performance when procuring new equipment, products or services;
  • Seeking to improve our energy performance in every decision, including choice of vehicles, selection of office spaces, definition of office layout, route planning and every other decision that might impact our energy performance;
  • Using video conferencing for internal meetings, training and external meetings, in preference to travelling;
  • Educating and raising awareness among our staff, subcontractors and affiliates in relation to the need to reduce energy consumption, manage waste in an appropriate way and use resources in an efficient way;
  • Providing a framework of setting and reviewing objectives and targets and ensuring the availability of information and necessary resources to achieve them;
  • Complying with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which we subscribe to.

Taking into account our significant environmental aspects, the significant energy uses, and the principles laid out in this Policy, we define and monitor our objectives and targets, against which continual improvement can be demonstrated.

This message shall be communicated and understood throughout the company and I expect that all persons carrying out work upon our behalf share these values.

The Policy shall be made available to the public, upon request, and subject to annual review to ensure its continued suitability.

Signed by

Mario Abajo Menguez
Chief Executive Officer

Clece Care Services Ltd.
Date: September 2019


Looking for Care? Contact Your Local Office

If you would like to talk to us regarding our care services, contact your local office on one of the below phone numbers or you can email us by clicking on the envelope icon relating to your location.

Accessible Care Services
All Care (GB) Limited
Call-In Homecare
CRT Care Services
Diamond Quality Care Services
Hartwig Care Limited
Homecarers Care Services
Ideal Complex Care
Lauriem Complete Care

Looking for a Career in Care? Contact Your Local Office for our Job Vacancies

Would you like to make a difference to the life of someone in your community and have a career in care that is rewarding and challenging? If the answer is yes, then we want to hear from you. Contact your local office below for more information.

Accessible Care Services
All Care (GB) Limited
Call-In Homecare
CRT Care Services
Diamond Quality Care Services
Hartwig Care Limited
Homecarers Care Services
Ideal Complex Care
Lauriem Complete Care